Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquents are minors, usually defined as being between the ages of 7 and 16, who have committed some act that violates the law. These acts aren’t called “crimes” as they would be for adults. Rather, crimes committed by minors are called “delinquent acts.” Instead of a trial, the juvenile has an “adjudication,” after which she receives a “disposition” and a sentence. However, juvenile proceedings differ from adult proceedings in a number of ways.

Whether you are a juvenile who has been accused of a crime or a parent of a juvenile who has been accused of a crime, the Perlmutter Law Firm can assist you in defending your rights in court.

It is important to hire a lawyer to aid you through this process to avoid potentially serious consequences. The Perlmutter Law Firm handles all issues relating to Juvenile Law.

Contact the PERLMUTTER LAW FIRM for a consultation. No obligation.